No problem Peter - I’ll raise a bug (as it happened, I had save my image a few 
hours before and epicea got back the few things I had changed since).

Rather strangely - even just trying to debug “myList next” (as in right click 
and pick debug it) seems to hang my image too (I didn’t expect that).


> On 29 Mar 2019, at 11:36, Peter Kenny <> wrote:
> Hi Tim. Sorry you crashed your image. I owe you an apology, because when I
> looked at the code for LinkedList, I thought there was something odd, but I
> dismissed it thinking ' they must have thought of that!' I think the problem
> is that LinkedList inherits #after: from SequenceableCollection, meaning it
> uses #atIndex: rather than following the links. Even so I don't see why it
> loops; surely going outside the range of the index should be a known error
> condition. Anyway, between us we may have discovered a bug in LinkedList. Do
> you feel stirred up enough to raise it as an issue?
> Peter
> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>> Hi Peter - yes of course you are right that its malleable, I guess I’m
>> often suprised about the things we leave out and then discover weird
>> things we’ve put in.
>> I had a quick look at LinkedList (I should have thought of that) - I might
>> be able to do something with that (and this is now more out of curiosity)
>> - but gosh its an easy way to crash your image. Having linked the first to
>> the last, and then tried a quick: list after: $n - I’m now guessing I’m
>> stuck in an infinite loop that even Cmd . won’t break out of!!!! ouch. 
>> Tim
>>> On 29 Mar 2019, at 10:20, Peter Kenny &lt;
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Sent from:
>>> &lt;;
> --
> Sent from:

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