Hi Peter - yes of course you are right that its malleable, I guess I’m often 
suprised about the things we leave out and then discover weird things we’ve put 

I had a quick look at LinkedList (I should have thought of that) - I might be 
able to do something with that (and this is now more out of curiosity) - but 
gosh its an easy way to crash your image. Having linked the first to the last, 
and then tried a quick: list after: $n - I’m now guessing I’m stuck in an 
infinite loop that even Cmd . won’t break out of!!!! ouch. 


> On 29 Mar 2019, at 10:20, Peter Kenny <pe...@pbkresearch.co.uk> wrote:
> Tim
> But the beauty of Smalltalk is that, if you need to use a particular
> structure frequently, you can make it an object just by subclassing
> something useful. In this case, you could create CircularList by subclassing
> SequenceableCollection and re-implementing #before and #after (and maybe
> tidying up #add if you don't want the circle to be extendable).
> Pursuing this line of thought, we  already have one specialized subclass in
> LinkedList. If the last element is linked to the first, this becomes
> circular. I glanced at some of the methods to see how well this would work,
> but because it regards links as separate from the linked objects, it got too
> complicated. But it could give a starting point if you have lots of such
> cases.
> Peter Kenny
> Tim Mackinnon wrote
>> Hey thanks guys - while it certainly makes sense when you think about it,
>> I was kind of hoping we had something that was much more readable and
>> obvious. It seems strange that when we have lots of esoteric things in
>> collection, that something which is quite common to do isn’t there. I was
>> kind of hoping we might have some circular list or something.
>> As it stands, if you really want to communicate this clearly you are
>> almost better off just doing, the more obvious:
>> (Index := index - 1) = 0 ifTrue: [index := items size].
>> Anyway, an interesting one.
>> Tim
>>> On 28 Mar 2019, at 16:55, Peter Kenny &lt;
>> peter@.co
>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Tim
>>> I found myself puzzling as to *why* James's solution works. This longer
>>> explanation helped me to understand.
>>> First, generalize moving forward to moving an arbitrary number of steps,
>>> still with wrapping.
>>> ^list at: (index + move - 1 \\ size + 1
>>> Second, realize that moving backward one step with wrapping is exactly
>>> equivalent to moving forward (size - 1) steps - because of wrapping, a
>>> move
>>> of size steps is null.
>>> Finally, substitute move = size - 1.
>>> ^list at: (index + size - 2 \\ size + 1.
>>> This can of course easily generalize to backward moves of any size.
>>> HTH
>>> Peter Kenny
>>> --
>>> Sent from: http://forum.world.st/Pharo-Smalltalk-Users-f1310670.html
> --
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