Thanks I found that out already.

Now trying to understand what they mean with this exactly

If the Elves all proceed with their own plans, none of them will have enough fabric. How many square inches of fabric are within two or more claims?

They give some 13000 plans 


Op 4-12-2018 om 22:55 schreef Ben Coman:

On Wed, 5 Dec 2018 at 00:45, Roelof Wobben <> wrote:
so like this ?

so first the intersect between rectangle1 and rectangle2
store it
and then the intersection between the stored one and rectangle3
and so on
then its time to look how I must define a rectangle when I know the starting point and the length and width

then it time to figure out how I can define a Rectangle with the starting point the length and the width

Use Spotter to bring up the System Browser on the Rectangle class.
Then right-click >> Class-refs
to look at how the class is used directly to create new instances.

cheers -ben



Op 4-12-2018 om 17:27 schreef
Use Rectangle class and intersect: method?

On Tue, Dec 4, 2018 at 5:07 PM Roelof Wobben <> wrote:

For adventofCode I had to write some code that calculates the overlap that multiple rectangles have.

Fo far I have it working for 1 rectangle but I do not like the code because of the nested loops.

Can I make this more the pharo way

Code so far :

| item coordinates area overlap regexp line beginX endX beginY endY|
area := OrderedCollection new.
overlap := OrderedCollection new.
regexp := '\#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+)\: (\d+)x(\d+)' asRegex.
line := '#1 @ 1,3: 4x4'.
(regexp matches: line)
        ifTrue: [
             beginX := (regexp subexpression: 2) asInteger + 1.
             endX := (regexp subexpression: 5) asInteger + beginX  .
             beginY := (regexp subexpression: 4) asInteger + 1.
             endY := (regexp subexpression: 6) asInteger + beginY.    
             beginX  to: (endX - 1) do: [:a |
                  beginY to: (endY -1)  do: [:b |
                      item := a asString , '*' , b  asString .
                   (area includes: item)
                      ifTrue: [ overlap add: item ]
                      ifFalse: [ area add: item ]]]] .
 ^ area. 



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