
For adventofCode I had to write some code that calculates the overlap that multiple rectangles have.

Fo far I have it working for 1 rectangle but I do not like the code because of the nested loops.

Can I make this more the pharo way

Code so far :

| item coordinates area overlap regexp line beginX endX beginY endY|
area := OrderedCollection new.
overlap := OrderedCollection new.
regexp := '\#(\d+) @ (\d+),(\d+)\: (\d+)x(\d+)' asRegex.
line := '#1 @ 1,3: 4x4'.
(regexp matches: line)
        ifTrue: [
             beginX := (regexp subexpression: 2) asInteger + 1.
             endX := (regexp subexpression: 5) asInteger + beginX  .
             beginY := (regexp subexpression: 4) asInteger + 1.
             endY := (regexp subexpression: 6) asInteger + beginY.    
             beginX  to: (endX - 1) do: [:a |
                  beginY to: (endY -1)  do: [:b |
                      item := a asString , '*' , b  asString .
                   (area includes: item)
                      ifTrue: [ overlap add: item ]
                      ifFalse: [ area add: item ]]]] .
 ^ area. 



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