On Thu, 22 Nov 2018 at 20:27, horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried recompiling the SHA256 library without the '-m32' flag and 64-bit > Would the in-Image SHA256 be sufficient to start with? Perhaps allow you to move forward while sorting out the main problem. Another option could be libsodium https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/password_hashing https://libsodium.gitbook.io/doc/advanced/sha-2_hash_function I used a different libsodium function here... https://github.com/Traadh/bittrex/blob/master/src/Bittrex.package/BittrexLibsodium.class/class/crypto_auth_hmacsha512__out.in.inlen.k..st Installation should simply be... sudo apt-get install libsodium18 --------------------- Pharo seg faulted: > The following might not be related. Its fairly common to see if limits.d/pharo.conf hasn't been set. > pthread_setschedparam failed: Operation not permitted > This VM uses a separate heartbeat thread to update its internal clock > and handle events. For best operation, this thread should run at a > higher priority, however the VM was unable to change the priority. The > effect is that heavily loaded systems may experience some latency > issues. If this occurs, please create the appropriate configuration > file in /etc/security/limits.d/ as shown below: > > cat <<END | sudo tee /etc/security/limits.d/pharo.conf > * hard rtprio 2 > * soft rtprio 2 > END > > and report to the pharo mailing list whether this improves behaviour. > cheers -ben