I think I need to apologize. I did not see how my mail could be read. I would 
never accuse you of taking ownership of something you did not do. Because I 
know you wouldn‘t do something like that. It just makes me wonder that you 
don‘t know me good enough to know that I would not accuse you of that. I was 
referring to the removal of prior contributions.
Anyway the way I wrote it was unfortunate and my apologies again.

I don‘t need to write much more because I can subscribe myself to everything 
Peter said. We should not asking for contributions if we don‘t treat them as 
something valuable. 

Of course nobody has time to do stuff. But in this case we have a tool that 
costs only a couple of minutes and saves a lot stuff of value. So I didn‘t mean 
you have to do it but someone. And I just wanted to be to consider using the 
git migration tool in th future. There was no need to kill your repo because 
the history can be added and your changes can be rebased on that. That is what 
git gives us. 

And finally I‘m asking everone to take care. I need to take care more about 
what I write. But people that get easily offended should see that is the other 
part of the problem.


> Am 29.09.2018 um 01:13 schrieb Cyril Ferlicot D. <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com>:
>> Le 29/09/2018 à 01:05, Guillermo Polito a écrit :
>> I'm sorry if I offended somebody. I've deleted the repository (it was
>> under pharo-repository, not under my name). With it the changes I made
>> to make it work on Pharo7.
>> I understand that Peter's tool is easy, i've used it before.
>> But I have my constraints, as others has theirs.
>> Just note that lot of people complained but nobody took the work to
>> migrate it with Peter's tool.
>> Why? If that's so easy :)
>> So I decided I was going to spend only ~1hour. It was 
>>  - Find the right code on sthub (Rmod repository or another one?)
>>  - loading the code + doing a commit (couple of minutes)
>>  - adapting the code for pharo 7
>>  - writing a baseline and testing it worked (in a new image, loading
>> dependencies)
>>  - writing a readme, putting a link to the website
>> All of them are little tasks of a couple of minutes. Count interruptions
>> in the middle.
>> And now I'm sending this email out of frustration.
> Hi Guille,
> If I can be added to pharo-contribution team I can do the migration with
> history in the next days (weeks max).
> And thank you for all the work you are doing on a lot of projects!
>> -- 
>> Guille Polito
>> Research Engineer
>> Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille
>> CRIStAL - UMR 9189
>> French National Center for Scientific Research - _http://www.cnrs.fr_
>> *Web:* _http://guillep.github.io_
>> *Phone: *+33 06 52 70 66 13
> -- 
> Cyril Ferlicot
> https://ferlicot.fr

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