On 5/9/18, Trygve Reenskaug <tryg...@ifi.uio.no> wrote:
> Of course not. But one of my goals is that future dynabooks will be
> backwards compatible. Recent discussions have shown me that this goal is
> a research project.
> --Trygve

Indeed [1]. And a very interesting one!

Found and read your overview

And also the more elaborate draft of a description (50 pages) [2]

links to

For my personal programming needs in Squeak so far I realized that the
'data' part is the easiest one to tackle in terms of backward

And some success in converting data to code forth and back to ease
compatibility. It would be nicer of course to have a homoiconic
notation [3] but still very doable. In particular as the new VMs have
lifted the size constraint for the source code of in methods.


[1] An example is about the work involved to get a 17 year old
'Dynamic essay' from Squeak 3.2 to read in properly into a Squeak 6.0a
trunk image


Quite some effort and not a full result yet...

Though Squeak has some mechanisms to update classes and objects.

In that thread Edgar de Cleene outlined  the idea of a recursive DNU
mechanism to check out earlier messages from the web


Needs much more elaboration ...
[2]  Abstract

Computer programming celebrates its platinum jubilee on the 21st of
June, 2018. Exactly 70 years ago, the world's first programmer wrote
the world's first program and then stored and executed it in the
world's first stored program computer; affectionately known as Baby.
The solitary Baby has morphed into billions of computers that are
loosely connected into a single, global machine. Baby's control panel
has morphed into graphical user interfaces (GUI) that empower
everybody to augment their intellect. The consequences are deeply
radical for individuals and society alike. A significant side effect
of the GUI is that the computer has faded into the background and the
user focuses on the immediate needs.

We present DCI, a new programming paradigm that targets structures of
communicating computers. Its goal is readable code that is so
intuitive that everybody can grok it and so comprehensive that expert
programmers will enjoy using it. DCI programming has been tested on
real-life problems. A set of controlled experiments showed that DCI
code is more readable than Java code.

A new programming environment, BabyIDE, targets the single, global
machine. Different GUIs support programmers having different mental
models depending on their interests and proficiency. An MVC system
architecture makes the program fade into the background and lets the
user concentrate on satisfying his or her immediate needs. My approach
is experimental. Smalltalk's universe of objects imitates the single,
global machine and is my proving ground.We give two examples: one for
experts and another for novices. A video1 illustrates the novice IDE.

Our approach is experimental. The universe of objects found in
Smalltalk's image imitates a computer network and is our proving
ground. Squeak 3.10.2 is our laboratory where we experiment with
various versions of BabyIDE.

A great deal of work remains to make BabyIDE generally available and
we are searching for a trailblazer who will take charge of it and take
it out into the world.

Personal Programming,
Novice Programming,
Single Global Machine,
Smart Home,
Object Orientation


> On 09.05.2018 12:19, Marcus Denker wrote:
>>>> I go back to Alan Kay's vision of a Dynabook: A/personal/computer
>>>> for children of all ages. It should contain all its owner's
>>>> /personal/data, including  his or her/personal/programs, as they
>>>> evolve through the years.  Continuity is a must; the owner shall
>>>> never loose data.
>> Do you really expect that the dynabook will be 100% backward
>> compatible to Smalltalk-80?
>> Marcus
> --
> /The essence of object orientation is that objects collaborateto achieve
> a goal. /
> Trygve Reenskaug mailto: tryg...@ifi.uio.no <mailto:%20tryg...@ifi.uio.no>
> Morgedalsvn. 5A http://folk.uio.no/trygver/
> N-0378 Oslo http://fullOO.info
> Norway                     Tel: (+47) 22 49 57 27

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