Alistair Grant wrote:
Hi Herby,
On 8 February 2018 at 03:10, Herbert Vojčík<> wrote:
Do you think it would be reasonable to have, a la "generate accessors" /
"generate initialize method", a "generate equality" thingie that would
generate #= and #hash for the method, mechanically?
Just created a new "piece of data" class and felt like it would be helpful.
The refactoring browser is already capable of generating #= and #hash:
Now somebody tell me it actually is there in the Nautilus menu, I just
did not find it. Which would be the best outcome, save making myself
ridiculous online... :-)
| r |
r := RBGenerateEqualHashRefactoring
className: MyClass
variables: #(vars which should be used in equal and hash).
r execute