On February 8, 2018 5:07:03 AM GMT+01:00, "Hernán Morales Durand" 
<hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote:
>Hi Herbert,
>How the "generate equality" behavior would be the default?
>Mechanically = non-interactive?

Like “generate accessors”. So interactively, on demand. Of course.

I tried to draw that analogy on original post, but probably wasn't writing it 
down clearly enough.

>2018-02-07 13:10 GMT-03:00 Herbert Vojčík <he...@mailbox.sk>:
>> Hi!
>> Do you think it would be reasonable to have, a la "generate
>accessors" /
>> "generate initialize method", a "generate equality" thingie that
>> generate #= and #hash for the method, mechanically?
>> Just created a new "piece of data" class and felt like it would be
>> Herby

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