> > > Ok so we redid everything in parallel. Too bad anyway I will continue > and my changes are in my clone.
Ok. At least we converge :) I thought I explained it in the book. > I will update the booklet once I get it. Cool. I’ll join soon. Cheers, Cédrick Side note: I like to extract class comment from pillar. First loading the workflow package : [[[eval=true (Smalltalk hasClassNamed: 'WfWorkflow') ifFalse: [ "should save not to load again >> update" Metacello new baseline: #Workflow; repository: 'github://Netstyle/Workflow:master/src'; load. SmalltalkImage current saveSession] ]]] Then: [[[eval=true stream nextPutAll: '__WfManagedObject comment:__ ' ; nextPutAll: WfManagedObject comment; cr; lf. ]]] Fun :)