
> Am 08.12.2017 um 15:32 schrieb Yann Lesage <yannle...@gmail.com>:
> Hello,
> I write an driver for Arangodb . So like it's indicated in Arango 
> documentation, I use the HTTP API.  The repo is 
> https://github.com/Valtena/Pharango
that is really wonderful. I‘m planning to do that for a long time but didn‘t 
find the time yet. Maybe I can find some time to help a little if you are 
> Now, the problem : Arango using Znclient make around 1 000 requests/second.
> And the question : Are there any recommended pratice to have the better 
> performance with ZNClient or a better way to perform lot of HTTP requests ?
I think the biggest benefit comes from caching the ZnClient. It is designed to 
be used like that. Next could be using keep-alive in order to reduce the number 
of connections to be made. Finalky I could imagine that pooling the most heavy 
objects in zinc can remove stress from the garbage collector. 

> Thanks for your attention,
> Yann Lesage

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