I want to get these esug videos, but i've searched through the whole pharo site 
and i haven't found them ... :(
I appreciate if you point me where to find help on working with minimal 
image\deploying with Pharo. 
And i also think this very important information should be available on pharo 
site at conspicuous place.

What about Dr.Geo - i've downloaded this program to test from official site 
(http://www.drgeo.eu/download#TOC-PC-Mac-GNU-Linux). I launched DrGeo.bat, as 
it noted in instruction. It shown me console window and Pharo command line 
options. That's all. It didn't start. I think, the reason is - also cyrillic 
paths, but ... who knows?

And also i mean some simple and understandable deployment tool (as in Cincom VW 
exists) but not manual-written bash scripts.  This tool asks me what 
class\accessor send open message, asks what to strip and how to pack my image. 
Few simple steps and i have perfectly cleaned minimal image with all image 
started methods tuned to load necessary class. It's really cool stuff. It's a 
pity, my low-level SmallTalk knowledge (VW + Pharo) is not enough to port this 
tool or create the new one.

Please, understand me right, i don't criticize pharo, but i'm trying to 
understand what to do and how to do with less efforts for me. And these are the 
questions every developer asks.

> On 11-11-17 18:58, ???????? ??????? wrote:
> > Another stumbling block is application deployment. 
> You want to start from a minimal image and load everything you need with 
> a Metacello baseline/configuration. And you want to change some settings 
> to run without sources. You will run into parts that are not modularized 
> enough yet and need their baselines to be split up further than they are 
> now.
> The minimal image is rather minimal. See the esug videos
> Stephan

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