2017-10-24 0:01 GMT-03:00 Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas
> Hi,
> Answering myself: I was able to fix this problem by downloading the
> "territorial_files" zip folder from the source repo and unzipping it to
> the image folder. After that Metacello bleeding edge (not Monticello, my
> mistake) installation worked properly. So, it seems that proper
> downloading and unzipping of supporting files is not working. I have
> found this also for the GADM files as reported in [1].

Tomorrow I will check in Linux.

> By the way, I have created a Grafoscopio notebook to take some
> interactive notes on my learning of Territorial [2][3]. My first
> impressions are that this is a pretty potent package, but still needs a
> more fluid installation and the supporting files are huge, and I wonder
> if there is any way to query/download the data on demand.

Thank you for the feedback Offray.

This is an issue I should profile because some data sets are huge, and
then think about how to provide maybe a customized installation or
download spcific resource on demand.



> [1] https://github.com/hernanmd/Territorial/issues/2.
> [2]
> http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/finfo?name=Docs/En/Books/Territorial/territorial.ston
> [3]
> http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/doc/tip/Docs/En/Books/Territorial/territorial.ston
> Thanks and keep the good work,
> Offray
> On 23/10/17 20:59, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I would like a choropleth map of Colombian departments [1]. The first
>> approach would be to use Territorial, but loading it is not working on
>> Pharo 6.1 (used on Manjaro Linux): It doesn't appears in the Catalog,
>> Gopher load gives me: "XMLFileException: File does does not exist:
>> /home/offray/Programas/Pharo/6.1a/Dev24/territorial_files/fao/fao_country_names.xml"
>> and loading Monticello bleeding edge gives me "FileDoesNotExist: File @
>> /home/offray/Programas/Pharo/6.1a/Dev24/territorial_files/opengeocode/wc-ASCII.csv".
>> There is another way to make such choropleth map?
>> [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_Colombia
>> Thanks,
>> Offray

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