Hi, Answering myself: I was able to fix this problem by downloading the "territorial_files" zip folder from the source repo and unzipping it to the image folder. After that Metacello bleeding edge (not Monticello, my mistake) installation worked properly. So, it seems that proper downloading and unzipping of supporting files is not working. I have found this also for the GADM files as reported in [1].
By the way, I have created a Grafoscopio notebook to take some interactive notes on my learning of Territorial [2][3]. My first impressions are that this is a pretty potent package, but still needs a more fluid installation and the supporting files are huge, and I wonder if there is any way to query/download the data on demand. [1] https://github.com/hernanmd/Territorial/issues/2. [2] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/finfo?name=Docs/En/Books/Territorial/territorial.ston [3] http://mutabit.com/repos.fossil/grafoscopio/doc/tip/Docs/En/Books/Territorial/territorial.ston Thanks and keep the good work, Offray On 23/10/17 20:59, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas wrote: > Hi, > > I would like a choropleth map of Colombian departments [1]. The first > approach would be to use Territorial, but loading it is not working on > Pharo 6.1 (used on Manjaro Linux): It doesn't appears in the Catalog, > Gopher load gives me: "XMLFileException: File does does not exist: > /home/offray/Programas/Pharo/6.1a/Dev24/territorial_files/fao/fao_country_names.xml" > and loading Monticello bleeding edge gives me "FileDoesNotExist: File @ > /home/offray/Programas/Pharo/6.1a/Dev24/territorial_files/opengeocode/wc-ASCII.csv". > There is another way to make such choropleth map? > > [1] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Departments_of_Colombia > > Thanks, > > Offray > > > >