
> On 4 Oct 2017, at 15:43, Dirk Olmes <d...@xanthippe.ping.de> wrote:
> On 10/04/2017 10:22 AM, Sven Van Caekenberghe wrote:
>>> ZnCharacterReadStream belongs to the Zinc classes. I would have expected
>>> a generic character reading stream to be part of the core classes
>>> (whatever that means :-) and not a part of some HTTP component classes.
>>> But that may only be my limited understanding of Pharo so far :-)
>> Well, the package is 'Zinc-Character-Encoding-Core' not 'Zinc-HTTP'. 
>> Character encoding stands on its own and has nothing to do with HTTP. See 
>> also this book chapter 
>> https://ci.inria.fr/pharo-contribution/job/EnterprisePharoBook/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/book-result/Zinc-Encoding-Meta/Zinc-Encoding-Meta.html
> Understood.
> However if I find classes in a package with prefix "Zinc" and I google
> for "Zinc Pharo" the first thing that comes up is
> http://zn.stfx.eu/zn/index.html - Zinc HTTP Components
> Ok I'm really just nitpicking here but IMHO it would be nice to decouple
> these very useful classes from the Zinc namespace.
> -dirk

One day we will have package level comments that will make clear the scope and 
purpose of groups of code.

Anyway, thanks for the feedback.


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