Hi Sven,

>> I'm trying to get started with Pharo doing something really simple - at
>> least that's what I thought ... I'm trying to read a text file line by line.
>> If I use  File named: '/tmp/linex.txt' readStream nextLine I'll get a
>> debugger telling me that BinaryFileStream does not understand nextLine.
> (File named: '/tmp/lines.txt') readStreamDo: [ :in | 
>   | characterStream |
>   characterStream := ZnCharacterReadStream on: in.
>   Array streamContents: [ :out | 
>     [ characterStream atEnd ] whileFalse: [ out nextPut: characterStream 
> nextLine ] ] ].

Thanks for the hint, Sven. Of all alternatives you gave I like the last
one best as it does not load the entire contents of the (probably large)
text file into memory.

ZnCharacterReadStream belongs to the Zinc classes. I would have expected
a generic character reading stream to be part of the core classes
(whatever that means :-) and not a part of some HTTP component classes.
But that may only be my limited understanding of Pharo so far :-)


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