Hi Hernán,

I think what is happening is you're not including completely the
DeployUtils baseline. You need to write something like:

spec baseline: 'DeployUtils' with: [
    spec repository: 'github://fstephany/DeployUtils/repository'];
    import: 'DeployUtils'.

And have one of the packages (or groups?) of DeployUtils listed as
dependency of one of your packages.



2017-09-25 20:19 GMT+02:00 Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.mora...@gmail.com>:

> I am trying to include DeployUtils in a ConfigurationOf (Pharo 6.1)
> following instructions at:
> https://github.com/fstephany/DeployUtils
> If I include the dependency as suggested:
> spec baseline: 'DeployUtils' with: [
>     spec repository: 'github://fstephany/DeployUtils/repository'].
> then when I load the configuration I get:
> Error: Unable to resolve project package for 'DeployUtils'. It is
> likely that that the configuration referencing this project will not
> validate properly (see MetacelloToolBox
> class>>validateConfiguration:).
> If I include the dependency as:
>         spec
>             project: 'DeployUtils' with: [
>                 spec
>                     className: #DeployUtils;
>                     versionString: 'baseline';
>                     repository: 'github://fstephany/DeployUtils/repository'
> ];
> Then I get DU multiple missing dependencies:
> This package depends on the following classes:
>   StringStreamLogger
>   Log
>   StdoutStreamLogger
> You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load
> these definitions:
>   DUFileLogger
>   DUFileLogger>>#withFileLocator:
>   DUFileLogger>>#addLogHook:
>   DUFileLogger>>#defaultFormatter
>   DUFileLogger>>#defaultStream
>   DUFileLogger>>#fileLocator:
>   DUStdoutStreamLogger
>   DUStdoutStreamLogger>>#addLogHook:
>   Log>>#debug:tag:
>   Log>>#info:tag:
>   Log>>#warning:tag:
> And finally a MNU with
> #loader: was sent to nil
> (also when I try to inspect I got a #gtInspectorProjectsIn: was sent to
> nil)
> Any ideas?
> Cheers,
> Hernán

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