Hi hernan Are you creating a configurationOf or a baselineOf? Do you have the Log and StringStreamLogger in your image? Because I have the impression that they are not in the DeployUtils package. Are the classes coming from the SystemLogger we wrote with Norbert? Because if this is the case you should add this dependency.
Stef On Mon, Sep 25, 2017 at 8:19 PM, Hernán Morales Durand <hernan.mora...@gmail.com> wrote: > I am trying to include DeployUtils in a ConfigurationOf (Pharo 6.1) > following instructions at: > > https://github.com/fstephany/DeployUtils > > If I include the dependency as suggested: > > spec baseline: 'DeployUtils' with: [ > spec repository: 'github://fstephany/DeployUtils/repository']. > > then when I load the configuration I get: > > Error: Unable to resolve project package for 'DeployUtils'. It is > likely that that the configuration referencing this project will not > validate properly (see MetacelloToolBox > class>>validateConfiguration:). > > If I include the dependency as: > > spec > project: 'DeployUtils' with: [ > spec > className: #DeployUtils; > versionString: 'baseline'; > repository: 'github://fstephany/DeployUtils/repository' ]; > > Then I get DU multiple missing dependencies: > > This package depends on the following classes: > StringStreamLogger > Log > StdoutStreamLogger > You must resolve these dependencies before you will be able to load > these definitions: > DUFileLogger > DUFileLogger>>#withFileLocator: > DUFileLogger>>#addLogHook: > DUFileLogger>>#defaultFormatter > DUFileLogger>>#defaultStream > DUFileLogger>>#fileLocator: > DUStdoutStreamLogger > DUStdoutStreamLogger>>#addLogHook: > Log>>#debug:tag: > Log>>#info:tag: > Log>>#warning:tag: > > And finally a MNU with > > #loader: was sent to nil > > (also when I try to inspect I got a #gtInspectorProjectsIn: was sent to nil) > Any ideas? > Cheers, > > Hernán >