The repository can be found on smalltalk hub. Here are also load instruction:!/~DiegoLont/QCMagritte/

I just checked loading in pharo 6 (after making a fix) of:
Gofer new url: ''; package: 
'ConfigurationOfQCMagritte'; load.

((Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfQCMagritte) project version: #'development') 

(Smalltalk at: #ZnZincServerAdaptor) startOn: 8080

And this allows me to start the tutorial. It seems not all versions load yet, 
so I need to do some more work on the configuration, but this will be next week.


P.S. QC stands for the company it was originally build for. I do not know 
exactly where the initials stand for … as it was already an historic name at 
that time.

> On 22 Sep 2017, at 13:35, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
> On 9/22/17, Diego Lont < <>> 
> wrote:
>> There is actually a tutorial included in the framework itself.
> Great!
>> One you have
>> it loaded, you can start the webpage to localhost:8080 and there you have
>> your tutorial. But this tutorial should be on a external webpage … one of
>> the things on my todo list.
> No problem if the tutorial is included in the framework. I just need to know.
> Where is the repository of QCMagritte?
>>> On 22 Sep 2017, at 12:55, H. Hirzel < 
>>> <>> wrote:
>>> On 9/18/17, laurent < 
>>> <>
>>> < <>>> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi all,
>>>> it's been a long time :) At work we are currently comparing several
>>>> technologies to start a business project that will hopefully be used by
>>>> thousands of people for several years ;)
>>>> We need a web stack and we put Pharo & co in the comparative process.
>>>> My team have strong experience in  load-balanced php / mysql deployment
>>>> that handles millions of records  but we are ready to build on
>>>> something else though MySQL is still a requirement.
>>>> Thanks for Garage + Glorp, I can prototype things. I wonder how to
>>>> handle database schema migrations. With our PHP projects we have
>>>> versionned PHP scripts that are automatically run given a database
>>>> revision number ( see
>>>> ).
>>>> What are the practices with Glorp ?
>>>> We try QCMagritte and we enjoy what we see so far. What are the best
>>>> practices to glue Magritte and Glorp together ? Especially when you
>>>> load-balance requests on several images. Some examples ?
>>>> ( FYI, I cannot load QCMagritte in a fresh Pharo 6 image ( for #stable
>>>> version, MADescriptionBuilder missing. For #development versions of
>>>> Magritte and QCMagritte, QCConfiguration missing ). So actually I use
>>>> the one built on CI. )
>>>> May be you have some other suggestions on a framework you love ?
>>> Maybe you have a look as well at
>>> <>
>>> < 
>>> <>>
>>> (referenced in another thread).
>>> Use Smalltalk as modeling  / design tool and generator. Then the run
>>> time is done with another technology.
>>>> Best regards,
>>>> Laurent Laffont

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