Hello Diego

What does QC in QCMagritte stand for?

I understand that QCMagritte is an application framework on top of
Seaside and Magritte.

I found this presentation


Is there a home page with more information?


On 9/22/17, Diego Lont <diego.l...@delware.nl> wrote:
> Hi Laurent,
> I am happy that you like QCMagritte. I wrote quite some parts of it, but it
> also has been a while since I last used it. I try to support it in my spare
> time, so I will look into the issue that prevents it from loading into pharo
> 6.
> Here some ideas that I think of,
> QCMagritte is a stack based on Seaside and Magritte. So you have a choice
> wether you connect Glorp to the session management of Seaside (like Gemstone
> does, I do not know exactly) or to the update mechanism of Magritte.
> This updating of the object is done in the memento. You can give your
> objects a custom memento class and override here the pull // push methods
> that update your model. It actually has a commit method that commits the
> changes into the object.
> Note the QCMagritte already has a custom memento class, for the AJAX
> liveness, so I suggest subclassing QCAjaxMemento.
> Of course, you need to do something in case of a changed object, since you
> plan on running multiple images, so perhaps on validating the object (also
> controlled by the memento), you want to give some error messages, forcing
> the user to reload before committing his changes.
> I do not know if implementing this into the memento’s gives you proper
> performance, as potentially multiple objects are updated by one user
> action.
> Regards,
> Diego
>> On 22 Sep 2017, at 10:28, laurent <laurent.laff...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi Stephan,
>> actually the difficult part is how to manage correctly Glorp
>> sessions/connections and update of objects in database. My team is quite
>> sad because QCMagritte and Glorp looks nice but we lack experience glueing
>> both together and could not find any documentation on the subject.
>> Laurent
>> Le mer. 20 sept. 2017 à 11:53, stephan <step...@stack.nl> a écrit :
>>> On 18-09-17 12:22, laurent wrote:
>>> We try QCMagritte and we enjoy what we see so far. What are the best
>>> practices to glue Magritte and Glorp together ? Especially when you
>>> load-balance requests on several images. Some examples ?
>>> ( FYI, I cannot load QCMagritte in a fresh Pharo 6 image ( for #stable
>>> version, MADescriptionBuilder missing. For #development versions of
>>> Magritte and QCMagritte, QCConfiguration missing ). So actually I use the
>>> one built on CI. )
>>> I really like describing domain objects with Magritte and using chains of
>>> visitors to add cross-cutting concerns like translations, styling and
>>> access control. The resulting domain code is very clean and DRY. To map
>>> to database/Glorp I would just add properties to the description wherever
>>> needed, and add a visitor creating the mappings. We didn't need that as
>>> we developed in Pharo and deployed on Gemstone.
>>> At the moment QC generates applications using jQuery, and the live
>>> updating needs a round-trip to the server. You might want to substitute
>>> that with something that does more client side. I haven't looked in
>>> detail at what Johan Brichau is doing.
>>> An open issue is live updates that update each other. That needs
>>> automatically calculating dependencies and update order.
>>> I've copied the latest configuration and added #'pharo6.x' but that is
>>> not enough.
>>> Stephan

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