Hi Dimitris,

On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 08:37:56PM +0000, Dimitris Chloupis wrote:
>     I completely agree - dark mode is great for content that you want to
>     look cool, but no one consumes. :-)

I actually meant this in jest, which is why it has the smiley face

I don't know which is more popular, light or dark themes, I'm glad that
Pharo makes it easy to automatically change to which ever one prefers -
which was what the code following this sentence was demonstrating.

> You assume wrong cause dark themes have been dominating GUIs for over 3 
> decades
> now. Pharo was the rare exception of using a white theme. Light themes may be
> popular but white are definitely not.  The web is the last fort of bright
> themes, but the web was and still is eons behind when it comes to matters of
> UI. 
> My first computer was black background with green fonts, black back in 80 and
> 90s was pretty much the norm. There was no white or bright themes back then. 
> It
> was not because the monitors had any issues with displaying white. 

I had my terminals set to black background with green fonts up to last
year since that is what I was used to from my Dick Smith System 80
(TRS-80 clone). :-)

Going slightly off topic: I suspect terminals used a dark theme by
default because a light theme would burn out the CRT.  If I remember
correctly, DEC VT-220's had a light theme (which I didn't use).

> It was actually the web that made white a thing. Probably inexperienced web
> coders (there were no web devs back then ) thought it made sense transitioning
> from paper. Problem is that paper , reflects light, does not emit it. 
> White or dark is a matter of preference. But the matter of preference is also 
> a
> matter of biology . Not all eyes are same. Some eyes have hard time
> distinguishing elements in dark environments  , others have hard time
> distinguishing elements in bright environments but excel at dark environments.
> I belong to the second case as such white themes for me are pretty much
> unacceptable for any content I have to read for a long time. 
> My monitor as we speak is set to 1/16th of its brightness which is the minimum
> setting. During the day that sun goes in my room it goes up to 3/16 maximum.
> Above that I am forced to simply reduce the light in the room. 
> Trying to use Moose especially that was even brighter it was even harder for 
> me
> to the point I gave up and never used it since then. 
> So yes there are many of us who were raised with dark themes, still use dark
> themes , will continue to use dark themes and criticise any app that does not
> support them. For me the Dark theme has been the most important improvement of
> Pharo and I am not exaggerating one tiny bit. 

I largely agree with what you've said.  My eyes have just deteriorated
in the opposite direction - I can't read with a dark theme (my terminals
are now dark text on a white background).

My apologies for any offence, it wasn't intended.


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