The proper reference to the repository

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On 8/26/17, H. Hirzel <> wrote:
> Cyril,
> Thank you for the info where I can find the proof of concept done by
> Kasper Østerbye
> to render Pillar code in Morphic.
> I want to read the code and learn from it how to come up with an
> enhanced version of what Stephane D. was refering to
> Name: Pillar-Renderer-StephaneDucasse.7
> Author: StephaneDucasse
> Time: 7 May 2017, 7:00:52.414735 pm
> UUID: a64b56cd-530b-0d00-a0f1-dba809b4cbdf
> --Hannes
> On 8/26/17, Cyril Ferlicot D. <> wrote:
>> Le 26/08/2017 à 10:31, H. Hirzel a écrit :
>>> Hello Cyril
>>> Thank you for these two references with some info to the
>>>     Pillar-TextRenderer
>>> Kasper Østerbye did.  Do you have an idea where I could find the code.
>>> I found nothing so far in
>>> Regards
>>> Hannes
>> Hi,
>> They are on the Pillar repository.
>> There is this package:
>> And this one:
>> Note that it will not work on recent Pharo since it was a Proof of
>> concept done with PluggableTextMorph. Now the comment pane moved from
>> PluggableTextMorph to Rubric.
>> --
>> Cyril Ferlicot
>> 2 rue Jacques Prévert 01,
>> 59650 Villeneuve d'ascq France

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