On 8/26/17, Cyril Ferlicot D. <cyril.ferli...@gmail.com> wrote: > Hi, > > Back in 2015 there was Kasper Østerbye who did a Pillar-TextRenderer > > There is a screen slide 21: > http://esug.org/data/ESUG2015/4%20thursday/1600-1630%20Pilar/Pillar.pdf > > Here is the thread: > http://forum.world.st/Class-comments-rendered-in-Nautilus-through-Pillar-td4819726.html > > -- > Cyril Ferlicot
Hello Cyril Thank you for these two references with some info to the Pillar-TextRenderer Kasper Østerbye did. Do you have an idea where I could find the code. I found nothing so far in http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Pier/Pillar/main/ Regards Hannes