> On 24 Jul 2017, at 15:11, Hilaire <hila...@drgeo.eu> wrote:
> Thanks guys.
> I hope it includes the fixes for the bugs impacting Dr. Geo.


I think there is a bit  of a confusion of how we do fixed for Pharo6.

I will explain:

-> if people find bugs, they end up on the issue tracker
-> Some of these get fixed. If a fix is ready, we will integrate it very
    quickly. This means that only the update number changes, not the
    main version number (these are bug fixes, they do not change APIs).

A good name for these updates is “hot fixes”.
They are announced to the dev list only with the automatic lists that are send
for each update.

We integrated already quite some into Pharo6 like that. The release was I think
around #60500, while 6.1 was done around #60510

Then there are cases that are more grave: 6.1 was done because it contains 

What I think would have been good is to list all the updates that where done 
releasing 6.0 and 6.1 *as part of the changelog* of 6.1 (even though they were 
in the image that you got a minute before Pharo6.1 was released, as they where 
released as
hot fixes before).

Now if the image includes all fixes needed for DrGeo depends on a) has that 
issue been
fixed and b) if yes was all massaging done to have the update actually 

(what does not help is that it is holiday time, e.g. I did not read emails and 
did *nothing*
 from end of Juli to yesterday, this does not help but was really, really 


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