jtuc...@objektfabrik.de wrote:
my ccomments were not meant to say you are not competent enough to fix
Glorp. I know you have been active as the maintainer of Amber for quite
a while now and know you are an experienced Smalltalker. So this is not
Not really. Actually, never did any production-ready project in
Smalltalk. The one I do now is the first time.
an attempt to make you look incompetent or "unqualified".
I just wanted to point out that
* I think that if there is a bug in Glorp, it should be communicated
to the maintainers in order to make sure the fix is making it into
newer Glorp versions and from there to all dialects that have a port
Yeah, sure. But Esteban's mail suggested that it is a long process, so
maybe it _is_ beneficial to try to shortcut the fix at Pharo side.
Don't know the local politics, so can't say myself.
of Glorp (Smalltalk is too much of a niche to be able to stand more
and more niche-ification of forks and stuff, esp. for such a central
part as Glorp which are way too important to only be maintained by
one or two developers - which they unfortunately are, at least to my
* I am not sure if anybody from Cincom is listening here looking for
Glorp problems, so I saw/see the danger of "private" fixes / forks
* I fixed a few bugs in Glorp in the past just to find out that the
concept was correct but the place to fix it was wrong (or at least
would not heal all related problems). Glorp is complex and it has
lots of layers. It is a good example of the "avoid responsibility"
concept that was once (what a coincidence) formulated by Alan Knight
in an article named "All I've learned about object orientation I
learnt from Dilbert" (or similar) - so I was gad Niall looked into
Yeah, the classic (that is, for me; lots of ppl out there do not know
it, though they should).
these and gave me feedback as well as a "full" fix
Yeah, that would be nice.
So I mainly ask you to post your fix and problem description to the
Glorp Mailing list / Google group. It would be a pity if your fix is
I posted (that is, I tried to; I hope it got there).
Maybe I should reply there with a few more words... or find out if it
got there in the first place.
buried in some fork of Glorp.