Esteban A. Maringolo wrote:
Please apologize I can't take the time to look into your code.
Np, if someone eventually will.
I granted you write access to
<!/~DBXTalk/Glorp/>, could you upload your
latter version to it?
Esteban A. Maringolo
P.S.: I did not gain understanding of Glorp innards in that small amount
of time, of course, but I went by the intuition that at the place I made
the fix, the normal (base class, Mapping >>) behaviour is to convert the
right sides of the relation, and the only subclass which has it
overridden, namely DirectMapping, seems to do the same thing (when
looking at the code), just in an optimized way. Except, it does not
convert, which I believe, strongly, to be a bug left out while doing
that optimization.