Hi Sabine,
I have a slightly different script, a Makefile, which uses another
trick: put everything into a pharo/ subdirectory. Like that, just rm -rf
pharo/ erases everything before rebuilding.
I think I would implement the support you need for you to simply be able
to write:
Metacello new baseline: \'RKA24\'\; repository:
so that the clone + Metacello over filetree isn't necessary.
(at the moment, I'm just pretty sure GitFileTree doesn't handle http and
the port number, but that wouldn't be hard to add)
Le 11/07/2017 à 12:43, Sabine Manaa a écrit :
After several questions and trials I ended with a script like this:
cd /Applications/Pharo5.0-7.app/Contents/Resources
rm Pharo.image
rm Pharo.changes
curl get.pharo.org/50 <http://get.pharo.org/50> | bash
rm -rf spfClonedGitlabRepository
git clone
<> --branch 1.0
Pharo Pharo.image --no-default-preferences eval --save "(CatalogProvider
projectNamed: 'GitFileTree') installVersion: #stable. Metacello new
baseline: 'RKA24'; repository: 'filetree://spfClonedGitlabRepository';load."
It creates a local clone (of a certain version) of my gitlab repository
(deleting old stuff before) and starts with a new image, loading the
given branch.
With this, I can always start with a new image, loading exactly the
version I want from gitlab.
For pushing into gitlab I use the MCFileTreeGitRepository browser and push.
Big thank you for all who helped me, here and in discord.
2017-07-08 18:31 GMT+02:00 Pierce Ng-3 [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email]
On Fri, Jul 07, 2017 at 06:48:50AM -0700, Sabine Manaa wrote:
> 1) For loading my own code, I currently have a bad solution
> I would like to load it within my baseline like this below but I dont know
> what to write in the fileTreeRepository method...
> baseline: spec
> <baseline>
> spec
> for: #common
> do: [ spec blessing: #baseline.
> spec repository: ##self fileTreeRepository##.
Here I use '', where the http server serves
my filetree
repo directory. The easiest way (for me on Linux/Mac) to get the
http server
running is 'python3 -m http.server 20080'.
This method works for a directory full of .mcz files too.
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