Hi Sabine, I have makefiles to do the sort of thing you describe automatically (build an image from local, git managed repositories) and a baseline: I write stuff like
./pharo-cli pharo/Pharo.image --no-default-preferences eval --save Metacello new baseline: \'MyProject\'\; repository:\'gitfiletree://`pwd`/../src/\'\; load (works once gitfiletree has been loaded) notice the `pwd` embedded in there which allows you to put your local git clone anywhere you like. One thing I can't do, however, is having a dependency in BaselineOfMyProject to a locally hosted project (say BaselineOfANiceLib stored in ~/Project2017/ClientX/) because when I write the baseline, I can't be sure where it will be on-disk. If you're ok with gitfiletree doing the clone from gitlab on its own, one could still write a direct access to your internal gitlab server, in the baseline of MyProject, like that: spec repository: 'gitfiletree:// gitlab.intra.example.com/ANiceLib:master/placeWhereAreThePackages'; The oldest such scripts I have are for Pharo3. Does that answer your questions ? Thierry 2017-07-07 15:48 GMT+02:00 Sabine Manaa <manaa.sab...@gmail.com>: > Hi, > > we have our own gitlab running now and I succeeded to move our code from > sthub to it. > I can push my new code into it from Pharo. All fine. > I also created a Baseline (based on my former configurationOf). > Loading the code from others (e.g. seaside) with this baseline is also > fine. > > There are 2 Points where I am sure it could be better (it is worse) > 1) For loading my own code, I currently have a bad solution > It is in the postLoadBaseline and does this: > > | gitRepository | > gitRepository := MCFileTreeRepository new > directory: > '/Applications/Pharo5.0-7.app/Contents/Resources/spf-gitlab/repository' > asFileReference. > {'RKA24-Model' . 'RKA24-System' . 'RKA24-Translator' . > 'RKA24-View' . > 'RKA24-Test' . 'RKA24-Report' . 'RKA24-Overwrites'} > do: [ :each | > Gofer it > repository: gitRepository; > package: each; > load ]. > > I would like to load it within my baseline like this below but I dont know > what to write in the fileTreeRepository method... > > baseline: spec > <baseline> > spec > for: #common > do: [ spec blessing: #baseline. > spec repository: ##self fileTreeRepository##. > "here I load all the the oher stuff" > spec > package: 'RKA24-Model'; > package: 'RKA24-System'; > package: 'RKA24-Translator'; > package: 'RKA24-View'; > package: 'RKA24-Test'; > package: 'RKA24-Report'; > package: 'RKA24-Overwrites' ] > > 2) Also, when I take a new Image, I have to do several steps > > load gitfiletree from catalog > add/open my gitfiletree repository from Monticello > load BaselineOfRKA24 manually with > (BaselineOfRKA24 project map at: 'baseline') load > > I think this is not the best way, I would like to make it right. > > Can anyone give me some hints how to improve this two steps? > I use Pharo 5 and I don't want to go to Pharo 6 right now. > I develop on mac and production server is on windows. > > Regards > Sabine > > > > > > -- > View this message in context: http://forum.world.st/2- > questions-around-gitlab-gitfiletree-BaselineOf-tp4953877.html > Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com. > >