2017-07-11 16:25 GMT+02:00 sergio ruiz <sergio....@gmail.com>: > I am setting up the state machine on initialization using (where state > machine is an instance variable): > > > setupStatemachine > > | stCustomerIncomplete stNoImages stImagesAttached stSizeSelected > stOrderComplete | > > statemachine := SsStateMachine new. > > stCustomerIncomplete := (statemachine addStateNamed: > #stateCustomerIncomplete) > > when: #toNext > > guarded: [ customerComplete isNotNil ] > > to: #stateNoImages. > > and on and on with more states.. >
So to be able serialize such object you need to replace #guarded block with message send like: guarded:( MessageSend receiver: customerCompete selector: #isNotNil) Maybe there is the way how to make blocks serialyzable because Fuel support it. But I never use sandstoneDB and it can use some different library.