If you are not using blocks directly then the reason could be related to sorted collection which is usually created with sorted block. Here you also need convert sort block to message send with two args.
i’m not sure i understand what is going on.. it seems to be hung up trying to save SsStateMachine.. I am setting up the state machine on initialization using (where state machine is an instance variable): setupStatemachine | stCustomerIncomplete stNoImages stImagesAttached stSizeSelected stOrderComplete | statemachine := SsStateMachine new. stCustomerIncomplete := (statemachine addStateNamed: #stateCustomerIncomplete) when: #toNext guarded: [ customerComplete isNotNil ] to: #stateNoImages. and on and on with more states.. ---- peace, sergio photographer, journalist, visionary Public Key: http://bit.ly/29z9fG0 #BitMessage BM-NBaswViL21xqgg9STRJjaJaUoyiNe2dV http://www.Village-Buzz.com http://www.ThoseOptimizeGuys.com http://www.coffee-black.com http://www.painlessfrugality.com http://www.twitter.com/sergio_101 http://www.facebook.com/sergio101
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