I thought I responded already. We are interested in pharoJS. We developed stuff with amber but stopped using it. We have one app in the app store with ionic and amber and I'd like to do another one with pharoJS. Additionally I think that combining pharoJS with electron could be a nice thing to have in order to create desktop apps. And finally I was shortly researching native callouts from javascript with javascript core on ios and it seems you can do pharo code, transpile to javascript that calls javascript functions which are OS-native functions.
Norbert > Am 14.06.2017 um 11:46 schrieb Siemen Baader <siemenbaa...@gmail.com>: > > Hi all, > > Is anyone else interested in PharoJS and making it mature for their own > commercial mobile and single page web app (and node.js) development? > > I think it has a huge potential because it brings the browser runtime and > many libraries and online services from the JS world to us Smalltalkers while > letting us keep our agile development and good CS practices. But it does not > yet have the necessary features and documentation to work smoothly. > > -- Siemen