Hi Horrido,

It is very hard to follow what you are exactly doing or trying to do.

Here is the simplest example I can think of that updates something in Morphic 
on a regular basis.

StringMorph subclass: #MyClock
        instanceVariableNames: ''
        classVariableNames: ''
        package: '_UnpackagedPackage'

        super initialize.
        self updateClock

        self updateClock

        self contents: Time now printString

MyClock class>>#open
        "self open"
        ^ self new openInWindow

This inherits #stepTime as 1 second. If I open such a window and save my image, 
it is still there when the image is restarted, with the clock still working.

Updating (data structures in) the main UI process from another process is 
dangerous. Saving such constructs is even more dangerous.



> On 2 Jun 2017, at 15:54, horrido <horrido.hobb...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Sorry, I could be mistaken. I just checked my notes. The *0 asString* test
> failed once, but I've not been able to replicate it. I might've been working
> with an unclean image.
> So perhaps it is related to Morphic, after all.
> horrido wrote
>> Yup, they all fail. Interesting that 
> *
>> 0 asString
> *
>> fails. This means it has NOTHING to do with Morphic (or Morphic being
>> thread-unsafe).
>> Ben Coman wrote
>>> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 10:23 PM, horrido &lt;
>>> horrido.hobbies@
>>> &gt; wrote:
>>> Can you try a few other variations...
>>>   [ [ true ] whileTrue: [ 0 asString. delay wait ] fork.
>>>   [ [ true ] whileTrue: [ a contents: '0'. delay wait ] fork.
>>>   [ [ true ] whileTrue: [ a contents: '0'. ] forkAt: 20.
>>> cheers -ben
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://forum.world.st/Morphic-or-forking-bug-tp4948727p4948984.html
> Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at Nabble.com.

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