See below for the crash dump.
Guillermo Polito wrote > Horrido, > > Can you also provide the stack associated with the segmentation fault? > Usually the VM captures the signal and dumps the current stack at the > moment of the crash in stdout. You'll find the same stack in the file > crash.dmp. > > On Thu, Jun 1, 2017 at 6:51 AM, Ben Coman < > btc@ > > wrote: > >> >> >> On Wed, May 31, 2017 at 10:23 PM, horrido < > horrido.hobbies@ > > >> wrote: >> >>> I have a puzzling bug. I've narrowed the scenario down to this code: >>> >>> Cranky»initA >>> a := ((StringMorph contents: '####') color: Color white) position: >>> (0@0 >>> ). >>> m addMorph: a >>> >>> Cranky»initialize >>> f := Form fromFileNamed: 'hot_air_balloon_mysticmorning.jpg'. >>> m := ImageMorph new. >>> m form: f. >>> self initA. >>> m openInWindowLabeled: 'Cranky'. >>> delay := (Delay forSeconds: 5). >>> [ [ true ] whileTrue: [ a contents: 0 asString. delay wait ] fork >>> >>> I can run this application for hours and hours with no problem. However, >>> if >>> I run it for a while and then close the application and then save/exit >>> the >>> image, the next time I start the image, there is some likelihood it will >>> crash dump. The probability is something like 5-10%. >>> >>> Interestingly, if I remove the statement... >>> >>> a contents: 0 asString. >>> >>> from the infinite loop, I've not been able to replicate the crash. Is >>> there >>> something wrong with the way I'm updating the contents of the >>> StringMorph? >>> Segmentation fault Thu Jun 1 09:04:56 2017 /home/pi/pharo50-dev/lib/pharo/5.0-201705051953/pharo Pharo VM version: 5.0-201705051953 Fri May 5 21:02:28 UTC 2017 gcc 4.9.2 [Production Spur VM] Built from: CoInterpreter VMMaker.oscog-eem.2207 uuid: 8da5de9b-33d7-478b-9081-58591f7da69a May 5 2017 With: StackToRegisterMappingCogit VMMaker.oscog-eem.2208 uuid: 4877be7d-941d-4e15-b6df-4f1b8c7072a8 May 5 2017 Revision: VM: 201705051953 $ Date: Fri May 5 12:53:38 2017 -0700 $ Plugins: 201705051953 $ Build host: Linux testing-gce-4db3c1dc-5576-4a70-9128-5f5e3d62217a 4.4.0-62-generic #83~14.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Wed Jan 18 18:10:30 UTC 2017 armv7l GNU/Linux plugin path: ./lib/pharo/5.0-201705051953 [default: /home/pi/pharo50-dev/lib/pharo/5.0-201705051953/] C stack backtrace & registers: r0 0x75d94008 r1 0x74d7ca00 r2 0x00000000 r3 0x75f45000 r4 0x004089d8 r5 0x76fe6f10 r6 0x7e8586ec r7 0x00000003 r8 0x00000000 r9 0x75f44298 r10 0x7e8586ec fp 0x74746366 ip 0x00000000 sp 0x7e858678 lr 0x00047c44 pc 0x75ebe478 *[0x0] [0x7e8572a0] Smalltalk stack dump: 0x7e85c864 I FreeTypeFace(FT2Face)>newFaceFromExternalMemory:index: 0x3457050: a(n) FreeTypeFace 0x7e85c88c I FreeTypeFace>create 0x3457050: a(n) FreeTypeFace 0x7e85c8ac I FreeTypeFace>validate 0x3457050: a(n) FreeTypeFace 0x7e85c8cc I FreeTypeFont>face 0x765b18: a(n) FreeTypeFont 0x7e85c908 I FreeTypeFontProvider>fontFor:familyName: 0x11d4450: a(n) FreeTypeFontProvider 0x7e85c934 M [] in LogicalFontManager>bestFontFor:whenFindingAlternativeIgnoreAll: 0x12db5b0: a(n) LogicalFontManager 0x7e85c958 M OrderedCollection>do: 0x12db5c0: a(n) OrderedCollection 0x7e85c97c M [] in LogicalFontManager>bestFontFor:whenFindingAlternativeIgnoreAll: 0x12db5b0: a(n) LogicalFontManager 0x7e85c9a0 M Array(SequenceableCollection)>do: 0x7649d8: a(n) Array 0x7e85c9c8 I LogicalFontManager>bestFontFor:whenFindingAlternativeIgnoreAll: 0x12db5b0: a(n) LogicalFontManager 0x7e85c9f0 I LogicalFontManager>bestFontFor: 0x12db5b0: a(n) LogicalFontManager 0x7e85ca14 I LogicalFont>findRealFont 0x12db578: a(n) LogicalFont 0x7e85ca34 I LogicalFont>realFont 0x12db578: a(n) LogicalFont 0x7e85ca54 I LogicalFont>widthOfString: 0x12db578: a(n) LogicalFont 0x7e85ca7c I StringMorph>measureContents 0x325a480: a(n) StringMorph 0x7e85caa4 I StringMorph>fitContents 0x325a480: a(n) StringMorph 0x7e85cac4 I StringMorph>contents: 0x325a480: a(n) StringMorph 0x7e85cae8 I [] in Cranky>initialize 0x325a390: a(n) Cranky 0x325a408 s [] in BlockClosure>newProcess Most recent primitives class class class class + **PrimitiveFailure** digitAdd: normalize class primUTCMicrosecondsClock at: + at: at: at: + signal primSignalAtBytesLeft: suspend class scanFor: scanFor: scanFor: basicAt: isNil isNil findNextUnwindContextUpTo: findContextSuchThat: valueNoContextSwitch valueNoContextSwitch **StackOverflow** at: objectAt: class header basicNew: stackp: at: at:put: 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truncated truncated truncated bitShiftMagnitude: timesTwoPower: basicNew allInstancesOrNil value: index value: size primNewFaceFromExternalMemory:size:index: stack page bytes 4096 available headroom 2788 minimum unused headroom 3036 (Segmentation fault) -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at