Hello, I was wondering if there was a resource somewhere that laid out a best practice for how to manage version control in Pharo. I know *how* to use Monticello and Versionner, but something about the way I use them inevitably dooms my efforts to the darkest circles of dependency hell, where strange and gruesome partial versions of old and abandoned branches come back to haunt me like some kind of object oriented night of the living dead.
In particular, I usually commit daily to a local repository on my disk, and only occasionally to a remote repository like smalltalkhub. It has come to my attention that this only commits recent changes, with the result that no single repository actually has the current working code that I see in my image. I am in that situation now, where loading the latest version revives some distant and broken code where good, currently working code should be. If anyone knows how to figure out how to force all the current good code in my image into one massive commit, so that other people can check out the current, working version, please do not hesitate to let me know. Thanks, Evan