Hi Alistair.

Do you know that you are able to count any message send? (not only
For this you need prevent meta recursion. Now inside message processing you

aMessage sendTo: anObject

which produces another intercepting message #perform:withArguments which
repeats original message send.
Fortunately Ghost handles such kind of meta recursion and there is no
infinite loop here: any self-sends are ignored in such cases.

If you want intercept any message try following code:

ExternalSendTrace>>send: aMessage to: anObject
| method |
announcer announce: (ExternalSendAnnouncement message: aMessage trace:
method := anObject class lookupSelector: aMessage selector.
^GHMetaMessages executeWith: anObject andArguments: aMessage arguments
method: method

In that case we lookup and execute method by using mirror primitive which
not sends any message to object.

For example:

rect := 10@30 corner: 100@300.
trace := ExternalSendStats logStatsFor: rect.
rect area.
trace stats.
 "a Dictionary(#area->1 #height->1 #width->1 )"

Best regards,

2017-04-24 14:43 GMT+02:00 Alistair Grant <akgrant0...@gmail.com>:

> If you subscribe to pharo-dev you will have seen that I've been looking
> at the primitives used in DiskStore.
> As part of that investigation I wanted to get an idea of which messages
> are typically sent to DiskStore and how often.
> Denis Kudriashov provided a neat package that implements a "halt on
> next object call".  I've been wanting to play with the package for a
> while and decided this was a good opportunity.
> I've extended that package to keep count of how many times messages are
> sent to a target object, e.g.:
> | point trace |
> point := 2@3.
> trace := ExternalSendStats logStatsFor: point.
> point
>         x;
>         y;
>         angle;
>         x.
> trace stats.
> "a Dictionary(
>         #angle->1
>         #x->2
>         #y->1 )"
> The package is probably too simplistic, and there's bound to be other
> ways to do this, but it met my immediate needs and gave me a chance to
> try out the Ghost package.  I'll extend it if and when I need to.
> Many thanks to Denis for making the Ghost package available, and
> hopefully this is useful for someone, or at least triggers some new
> ideas.
> Denis' original article is at: http://dionisiydk.blogspot.cz/
> 2016/04/halt-next-object-call.html
> The extensions can be installed with:
> Metacello new
>         baseline: 'AkgGhost';
>         repository: 'github://akgrant43/akg-ghost:master/mc';
>         load
> Cheers,
> Alistair

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