If you subscribe to pharo-dev you will have seen that I've been looking at the primitives used in DiskStore.
As part of that investigation I wanted to get an idea of which messages are typically sent to DiskStore and how often. Denis Kudriashov provided a neat package that implements a "halt on next object call". I've been wanting to play with the package for a while and decided this was a good opportunity. I've extended that package to keep count of how many times messages are sent to a target object, e.g.: | point trace | point := 2@3. trace := ExternalSendStats logStatsFor: point. point x; y; angle; x. trace stats. "a Dictionary( #angle->1 #x->2 #y->1 )" The package is probably too simplistic, and there's bound to be other ways to do this, but it met my immediate needs and gave me a chance to try out the Ghost package. I'll extend it if and when I need to. Many thanks to Denis for making the Ghost package available, and hopefully this is useful for someone, or at least triggers some new ideas. Denis' original article is at: http://dionisiydk.blogspot.cz/2016/04/halt-next-object-call.html The extensions can be installed with: Metacello new baseline: 'AkgGhost'; repository: 'github://akgrant43/akg-ghost:master/mc'; load Cheers, Alistair