On Tue, 21 Feb 2017 14:24:32 +0100, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de>
regarding the problem Sven mentioned on
here are my findings:
When I use latest Pharo 6 (Image 60404) and run
Metacello new
smalltalkhubUser: 'Seaside' project: 'MetacelloConfigurations';
configuration: 'Seaside3';
version: #'release3.2';
it loads the latest release 3.2 (which internally loads 3.2.1). The
package is "ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.323.mcz"
This loads fine in Pharo 6 except that after installation the "Tools" ->
"Seaside control panel" is not working anymore as
"NewListModel" is not found anymore. So the control panel is broken.
OOPS I thought that we deprecated it or not even removed it but changed
the underlying
implementation. We should fix that.
Dont know what the migration path is for UI's
who used the removed "NewListModel" class.
So yes - one can (by using the above script) use Seaside but currently
has to start the server with a script
until this is fixed. This is good to know - but does not solve the
"loading from catalog" issue.