Hi Torsten,

> On 21 Feb 2017, at 14:24, Torsten Bergmann <asta...@gmx.de> wrote:
> Hi,
> regarding the problem Sven mentioned on 
> http://lists.pharo.org/pipermail/pharo-users_lists.pharo.org/2017-February/030542.html
> here are my findings:
> When I use latest Pharo 6 (Image 60404) and run
>  Metacello new
>     smalltalkhubUser: 'Seaside' project: 'MetacelloConfigurations';
>     configuration: 'Seaside3';
>     version: #'release3.2';
>     load
> it loads the latest release 3.2 (which internally loads 3.2.1).  The package 
> is "ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.323.mcz"

Yes that worked for me too.

I then had to load my own project using the same API, so not:

ConfigurationOfBetaNineT3 project bleedingEdge load: 'trackit'.


Metacello new
    configuration: 'BetaNineT3';
    version: #bleedingEdge;       
    load: 'trackit'.

This then loaded Bootstrap as needed (with Seaside already present).

> This loads fine in Pharo 6 except that after installation the "Tools" -> 
> "Seaside control panel" is not working anymore as 
> "NewListModel" is not found anymore. So the control panel is broken. Dont 
> know what the migration path is for UI's 
> who used the removed "NewListModel" class.

Here is how I quickly patched the control panel:


        self instantiateModels: #(
                listModel ListModel
                textModel TextModel
                toolbarModel WAServerAdapterToolbar).


        self initializeAdaptors.
        textModel aboutToStyle: false.
                whenSelectedItemChanged: [ :selection | adaptor := selection. 
self updateUIState];
                whenListChanged: [ self updateUIState];
                displayBlock: [ :item | (item class name,' ',item statusString) 
asStringMorph ];
                "icons: [ :item | self iconForAdaptor: item];
                iconMaxSize: 16@16;"
                menu: [ :aMenu | self adaptorsMenu: aMenu].

        self focusOrder
                add: listModel;
                add: toolbarModel;
                add: textModel.
        self disableAllButtons

So I replaced NewListModel with ListModel and I commented out the icon related 
stuff. This might be a bit too quick&dirty, I don't know.

> So yes - one can (by using the above script) use Seaside but currently has to 
> start the server with a script 
> until this is fixed. This is good to know - but does not solve the "loading 
> from catalog" issue.
> -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> So (in a fresh image 60404) I loaded "Bootstrap" from catalog and I received 
> the error Sven reported. 
> But ConfigurationOfBootstrap itself is not the problem I guess. Because it is 
> also only referencing the 
> "release3.2" version of Seaside and also 
> "ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.323.mcz" is loaded.
> The Transcript shows the following error output:
>  Loaded -> ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.323 --- 
> http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main/ ---   
>  http://smalltalkhub.com/mc/Seaside/MetacelloConfigurations/main/Error: Name 
> not found: Seaside-Pharo-Development
> Also when you try to open the ConfigurationOfSeaside3 using Versionner I 
> receiver an error "Name not found: Seaside-Pharo-Development". 
> So there must be something wrong with the Seaside config I thought - or (what 
> would be worse) with the newer Metacello 
> version included in Pharo 6. At least the config looks OK and in both 
> situations "ConfigurationOfSeaside3-JohanBrichau.323" is used.
> Additionally I tried: 
> - when I load the Bootstrap config in a fresh Pharo 5.0 image (50769) from 
> Catalog all loads fine. 
> - when I manipulate the Pharo 6 image to have a version 5 signature
>       SystemVersion newVersion: 'Pharo5.0'. SystemVersion  current inspect.
>   and load from catalog afterwards it also does not work. So I guess a Pharo 
> 5.x specific config rule could not be the cause.
> Now I checked how Catalog loads the configs. And in class CatalogProject you 
> will notice that for the catalog we still use Gofer for loading
>   installStableVersion 
>       Gofer it 
>               url: self repositoryUrl;
>               configurationOf: self name;
>               loadStable
> when I change it to Metacello API
>    installStableVersion 
>         Metacello new
>               repository: self repositoryUrl, '/',self name;
>               configuration: self name;
>               version: #'stable';
>               load
> what a surprise: anything loads fine. I still wonder and do not know about 
> the difference why Gofer and Metacello loading in Pharo 6
> makes a difference now. 
> So we could fix it for the catalog ... still I have no glue about the 
> Gofer/Metacello API difference ...
> https://pharo.fogbugz.com/f/cases/19736/Catalog-should-use-Metacello-API-instead-of-Gofer-for-Configuration-installation
> Thanks
> T.

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