Hi Serge,

I didn't knew that paper. You are right, in the community analysis they
seem to compare Bio* projects against Pharo and not BioSmalltalk. That's
weird because the paper is very clear about BioSmalltalk is the name of the
library and Pharo is the supporting platform. I will contact the authors
because the BioSmalltalk community is very small and I expected that when
developing the library. On the other side they use 99% Pharo code... I
remember someone asking me about how to do in BioSmalltalk the task
proposed in the paper. I answered the analysis is strange, because the
flat-file they are parsing (intended for human reading) can be downloaded
in XML and parsed easily with a XML pull parser. Or even ASN.1.

BioSmalltalk is faster for some tasks, for example reading/filtering BLAST
alignments. I have put special emphasis on that. Maybe I should prepare a
post comparing speeds for additional tasks. Thank you for the link.



2016-11-30 11:31 GMT-03:00 Serge Stinckwich <serge.stinckw...@gmail.com>:

> Hi Hernan,
> apparently BioSmalltalk is the faster in the field of Bio* platforms
> (BioPerl, BioPython,  BioJava, ...) and the more trendy:
> http://www.ijcseonline.org/spl_pub_paper/PID%2023.pdf
> I would love to believe in that ;-)
> But if you read carefully the paper, you will found that authors has
> made a dramatic mistake ... They think that Pharo was the name of
> BioSmalltalk ... and then they compare with Google Trends, Pharo
> against BioPerl, BioPython, ...
> Anyways the statement that BioSmalltalk is the faster is maybe true :-)
> Hernan did you know this paper ?
> Regards,
> --
> Serge Stinckwich
> Every DSL ends up being Smalltalk
> http://www.doesnotunderstand.org/

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