French is already in and there are so great class comments that I'm crying because of outshined by beauty.

Excellent job of sven as usual.

    self monthNames: #(
        'Janvier' 'Février' 'Mars' 'Avril' 'Mai' 'Juin'
        'Juillet' 'Août' 'Septembre' 'Octobre' 'Novembre' 'Décembre' ).
    self weekdayNames: #(
        'Dimanche' 'Lundi' 'Mardi' 'Mecredi' 'Jeudi' 'Vendredi' 'Samedi' )


Le 27/10/16 à 14:27, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :

2016-10-27 14:22 GMT+02:00 stepharo < <>>:

    (ZTimestampFormat fromString: 'SAT, FEB 03 2001 (16:05:06)')

#french is your addition? or it was already supported?

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