Thanks Denis

This is really a great package. I will use it and throw away what I started.

    (ZTimestampFormat fromString: 'SAT, FEB 03 2001 (16:05:06)')
        format: ZTimestamp now.

    > THU, OCT 27 2016 (12:20:20)

  (ZTimestampFormat fromString: 'SAT, FEB 03 2001 (16:05:06)')
        format: ZTimestamp now.  "'JEU, OCT 27 2016 (12:21:34)'"

Le 27/10/16 à 13:58, Denis Kudriashov a écrit :
I would suggest to look at ZTimestamp Maybe it is not exactly what you want. But example based date/time formatting and parsing are really nice

2016-10-27 13:20 GMT+02:00 stepharo < <>>:


    for a little project I need to print date in a nice way (for
    example french) and I wonder if someone already did that.

    Right now I'm extracting behavior from Date and putting it in its
    own class so that I can write

        | datePrinter |
        datePrinter := DatePrinter new.
        datePrinter for: (Date year: 2016 month: 1 day: 3).
        self assert: datePrinter print equals: '3 Janvier 2016'

    I will for fun see how I can add an english and spanish version.


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