2016-07-25 16:40 GMT+02:00 Dale Henrichs <dale.henri...@gemtalksystems.com>:

> On 7/25/16 6:40 AM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
>> Hi Dale,
>> what I'd like is a way to detect if credentials are necessary on a https
>> repo, and add (or ask for them) at the smalltalk level.
> Well the user should know from the get-go that they are using a private
> repo and if they supply an https: scheme then you can pretty much know that
> sooner or later you will need credentials


> It would then be easy to handle that in the https url. Would anyone know
>> how to do that with Zn?
> Take a look at MetacelloPharo30Platform>>downloadJSON:username:pass: for
> and example of how to download with HTTPS credentials using Zinc.

I'll have a look. I tried a few urls(*) on Sean bitbucket example, and the
difficulty is that base access to the repository is open (without
authentication) and I need to understand how git create a push request to
generate an url triggering an authentication :(

(*) the response I got on those seems to be a login page instead of an
authentication request :(

>> I know git has some kind of credentials cache for https, but I don't know
>> how to use it.
> Yeah the git credentials man page isn't quite as useful as you'd like :)
> I think that the solutions are os/platform dependent and IIRC none of them
> are convenient ...

In fact it gives a few hints to solve the problem outside Pharo :)


> Dale

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