On 7/25/16 6:40 AM, Thierry Goubier wrote:
Hi Dale,

what I'd like is a way to detect if credentials are necessary on a https repo, and add (or ask for them) at the smalltalk level.
Well the user should know from the get-go that they are using a private repo and if they supply an https: scheme then you can pretty much know that sooner or later you will need credentials
It would then be easy to handle that in the https url. Would anyone know how to do that with Zn?
Take a look at MetacelloPharo30Platform>>downloadJSON:username:pass: for and example of how to download with HTTPS credentials using Zinc.

I know git has some kind of credentials cache for https, but I don't know how to use it.
Yeah the git credentials man page isn't quite as useful as you'd like :) I think that the solutions are os/platform dependent and IIRC none of them are convenient ...


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