> On 25 Jul 2016, at 12:13 , Norbert Hartl <norb...@hartl.name> wrote:
> Does anyone know some code or person that did something with UPnP/IGD in 
> pharo?
> thanks,
> Norbert

I've done an SSDP client/server, but not gone so far as to build a full UPnP 
model on top of it, since I just needed a discovery protocol.

Should be possible to use as a base though; you can make a client with type 
ssdp:all, and get some fun replies indicating the services available on UPnP 

Caveats apply to the socket init code which is really ugly, it attempts to 
listen on all the interfaces present at the time of client creation, but the 
correct primitives aren't really exposed from the plugin, the results can be a 
bit hit and miss depending on OS/Distribution; nor are there hooks to get 
notified when interfaces go up/down, so accounting for such currently comes 
down to manual resets.


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