oops , i copy pasted the same link two times :D

second link is this


On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 12:41 PM Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>

> Yes sorry I need to be more specific .
> What I am trying to create is a visual programming language for Pharo and
> Blender inspired by Unreal's Blueprint language
> here is how it looks
> http://s11.postimg.org/5lum5o2cj/French_BP.jpg
> The nice thing about Blueprint besides being a full blown programming
> language is that is very convenient to use for those that prefer to type.
> So unlike Phratch you dont drag and drop nodes (this boxes you see) instead
> you right click in the Blueprint area and a pop up box similar to GTSpotter
> appears, where is shows you all available nodes in categories , and like
> GTSpotter it allows you to do searches that can be refined.
> Another cool feature is when you drag a cable from the inputs or outputs
> of a node to connect it with another node the search box will appear again
> but this time will has refined search results depending on the type of the
> node and the type of its input and output.
> Here how it looks
> http://s11.postimg.org/5lum5o2cj/French_BP.jpg
> Now I think I have figured out how to do this
> a) capture shift-enter on top of the morph i will be using as the node
> area (thats what I meant by "upon the morph)  and right click for opening a
> GTSpotter that will be customised to search only nodes and do the things I
> described above
> b) nodes will be basically pharo methods with a dedicated pragma that will
> provide information about the type of node, its category, its outputs and
> inputs and of course the type of the outputs and inputs.
> c) Then the search of GTSpotter will start always from filtering those
> methods that contain this pragma.
> With what you mentioned and my study of GTSpotter extentions I think I
> have managed to figure out how to do this, so thank you.
> On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 10:17 AM Nicolai Hess <nicolaih...@gmail.com>
> wrote:
>> Hi Dimitris,
>> I don't know what you mean with
>> "called upon a specific morph", but you can use Spotter to do "local"
>> searches.
>> For example, inspecting an array or a Morph or CompiledMethod and look at
>> the "Search"-Icon (upper right corner). It will open a Spotter window for
>> this object.
>> It lets you search the items of the array, the submorphs of the morph or
>> in the bytecode of the compiled method.
>> 2016-07-21 8:27 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:
>>> I want customize GTSpotter so when it's called upon a specific morph has
>>> a different behavior. Because I will be building a node system I want to
>>> search only through nodes and sort them to categories. In essence I will be
>>> building a visual coding language very similar to Unreal's Blueprints. Can
>>> GTSpotter do this in a easy way ? I have read human assessment blog posts
>>> on GTSpotter but they focus on extending it than modifying it's basic
>>> behavior. Basically I want a secondary GTSpotter with heavily customized
>>> behavior.

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