Hi Dimitris,
I don't know what you mean with
"called upon a specific morph", but you can use Spotter to do "local"

For example, inspecting an array or a Morph or CompiledMethod and look at
the "Search"-Icon (upper right corner). It will open a Spotter window for
this object.
It lets you search the items of the array, the submorphs of the morph or in
the bytecode of the compiled method.

2016-07-21 8:27 GMT+02:00 Dimitris Chloupis <kilon.al...@gmail.com>:

> I want customize GTSpotter so when it's called upon a specific morph has a
> different behavior. Because I will be building a node system I want to
> search only through nodes and sort them to categories. In essence I will be
> building a visual coding language very similar to Unreal's Blueprints. Can
> GTSpotter do this in a easy way ? I have read human assessment blog posts
> on GTSpotter but they focus on extending it than modifying it's basic
> behavior. Basically I want a secondary GTSpotter with heavily customized
> behavior.

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