On 08/04/2016 09:05, Henrik Nergaard wrote:
> | s1 s2 |
> s1 := 1234 asString.
> s2 := 1234 asString.
> s1 = s2. "true"
> s1 == s2. "false"
> s1 asSymbol = s2 asSymbol. "true"
> s1 asSymbol == s2 asSymbol. "true"
> (s1 class allInstances select: [:s | s = s1 ]) size. "2"
> (s1 asSymbol class allInstances select: [:s | s = s1 asSymbol ]) size. "1"
> [ #stringA = #stringB ] bench. "26,812,864 per second"
> [ 'StringA' = 'StringB' ] bench. "3,492,987 per second"
> Best regards,
> Henrik

Hi Henrik,

The class comment of Symbol is really not enough. It need improvement. I
think it would be good to add your examples at least in the class comment.

Cyril Ferlicot


165 Avenue Bretagne
Lille 59000 France

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