On Friday, 8 April 2016, Valentin Ryckewaert <valentin.ryckewa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello everyone, > > i'm learning Pharo and i'm having difficulties to understand the symbols, > what are they? How are they different of the ByteString ? Why are they > usefull ? > Why should I put #string where I can put 'string' ? > Hi, As the others said, symbols are some kind of string that are unique in the image. I would like to talk also about a super cool feature. A Block can receive the message #value:. For example when you do a #do: on a collection, the block will receive multiple #value: message with the element in argument. [ :class | class allSubclasses] value: Object. And the cool feature is that Symbol also have this method, so with the polymorphism you can do: #AllSubclasses value: Object { Object . Morph . Integer . Float } collect: #allSubclasses This is a pretty cool feature that I wanted to share. > > Thanks in advance for your answer. > Valentin Ryckewaert > -- Cheers Cyril Ferlicot