Norbert, thank you. Ok, the Numbers collection name is clear. If I use
<mongoContainer> ^ VOMongoContainer new collectionName: 'Numbers'; yourself the data is stored correctly in the Numbers collection in Mongo. Also the relationship is fine. Everything fine till here. But after VOMongoRepository current reset. I have problems with fetching the data from mongo If I define mongoContainer <mongoContainer> ^ VOMongoContainer new enableMissingContent; collectionName: 'Numbers'; "kind: self;" yourself Then I get the error "Bad object requested (Three does not inherits from One)" If I define mongoContainer <mongoContainer> ^ VOMongoContainer new enableMissingContent; collectionName: 'Numbers'; kind: self; yourself Then I get an Inspector with 3 instances of "One" (I refer to the workspace of the image from tommasso) It should be only one instance of One Clicking on the one instances, I get an emergency screen with ***System error handling failed**** VOMongoError: Lazy reference not found ... Tommasso, do you get the same results? I am curious about the solution. ***************This is the workspace of tommasso repository dropDatabase. repository := VOMongoRepository host: 'localhost' database: 'VoyageMongo-Link-Test-5'. repository enableSingleton. one := One new. two := Two new. three := Three new. one link: two. one link: three. one save. two save. three save. VOMongoRepository current reset. One selectAll -- View this message in context: Sent from the Pharo Smalltalk Users mailing list archive at