On 08/03/16 19:58, Sabine Manaa wrote:
I don't think it is a bug, there is missing the description of the relationship between one and two:
If I define the following method, it works.

Thomasso, do you know this documentation?


One class>>mongoLink
^ VOMongoToOneDescription new
attributeName: 'link';
kind: Two;

Hi, thanks for your answer.

Indeed in this way it works, because the relation between One and Two is explicit. However, in this case I am not able anymore to link objects of the class Three, therefore loosing the dynamic capabilities of both MongoDB and Smalltalk.

I'll try to investigate a bit more, to understand if it is indeed a bug or what I am trying to do is simply not reasonable :-)



2016-03-08 16:31 GMT+01:00 EstebanLM [via Smalltalk] <[hidden email] </user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4883306&i=0>>:

    Hi Tommaso,

    that might be a bug… which version are you using?
    if latest, can you fill a bug here:
    https://github.com/estebanlm/voyage/issues (so I do not forget it)?


    On 08 Mar 2016, at 16:25, Tommaso Dal Sasso <[hidden email]
    <http:///user/SendEmail.jtp?type=node&node=4883253&i=0>> wrote:


    thanks for your answer, I also tried with One>>mongoContainer,
    but sadly that does not solve the issue.
    I think it works in your case because you have the One object
    cached from the previous query, but if you inspect the "link"
    field, it should be nil.

    If you reset the repository connection, it should give the
    exception again.

    I'll keep trying :-)

    On 07/03/16 14:07, Sabine Manaa wrote:
    Hi Tommaso,

    you did not define a One>>mongoContainer. I defined it and then
    it seems to work.


    2016-03-06 1:42 GMT+01:00 Tommaso DS [via Smalltalk] <<a
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        I am having troubles with Voyage and Mongo.
        I have some Classes that I save in Mongo, say "One", "Two",
        and "Three".
        All three classes and are voyage roots, so the objects from
        each class
        are stored in different collections.
        One objects has a reference to Two or Three objects.

        The problem arises when I use a Magritte description and
        define a Mongo
        container to optimize the storage: since each class is
        stored in its own
        collection, there is no point in storing the #instanceOf
        attribute as well.


             ^ VOMongoContainer new
                 kind: Two;

        If I add this method, when I try to load an object One, I
        get the
        exception: "KeyNotFound: key #nil not found in
        It looks like Voyage is not able to understand the type of
        the objects
        stored in the collection Two, when loaded from a reference.

        Am I missing something? Do I need to specify something more
        to make it work?

        I reproduced the scenario in an image that can be downloaded

        Do you have any idea? Should I report this on the issue


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